St. Bede’s Catholic heritage is the very foundation of our DNA, and what truly sets us apart from many other private schools. When we talk about the concept of educating the whole child, we believe that faith is an integral and critical element – and we intentionally weave the ideals and beliefs of the Catholic faith into students’ daily lives on campus.
Each of our days begins with a prayer and each classroom has holy water vessels as a reminder of the presence of the Holy Spirit in our classrooms, and to enable the children (and teachers!) to bless themselves as they enter and exit.
Student masses truly exemplify our faith in action. Students aren’t asked to simply attend mass, they’re asked to participate and lead the masses. From alter decorations, to cantors, to alter servers, to speakers, to those who bring up the gifts – our students play active roles in every school mass. Families and all St. Bede community members are invited to attend our student masses which are held every Tuesday at 8:10 am and every first Friday of the month at 11:00 am.
In addition to weekly masses, students participate in adoration, Stations of the Cross during Lent, and a May Crowning ceremony honoring Mary. Our choir also sings at the 9:00 am mass at St. Bede Church on the first Sunday of each month.
As Elizabeth M. Kelly says in her Loyola Press article, sacraments are a really big deal if you’re Catholic. While most of our students come to us already baptized in the Church, as a Catholic school it’s our blessed duty to partner with St. Bede Church in preparing and guiding our students through the sacraments of Reconciliation and 1st Holy Commination.
Much of our 2nd Grade year is dedicated to preparing our students to receive these sacraments, while gaining a deep understanding of how the sacraments bring us closer to God. And in 8th Grade, we prepare them to begin their journey as adults in the Catholic faith through Confirmation which begins in earnest in 9th Grade.
Throughout the year, students participate in Holy Childhood Association. This international association is dedicated to fostering the awareness of the missionary nature of the church. Through Holy Childhood, students are invited to:
Pray daily for their brothers and sisters in the missions
Learn about the lives of our brothers and sisters in developing countries
Participate in raising funds for their brothers and sisters in our Global Village